Preventative Packages

her with a physical evaluation. With this new package, it is now possible to perform your health check up on the island instead of going abroad.

These packages consist of Clinical Laboratory TestingMedical Imaging; X-Ray/ Ultrasound-Echo, EKG (Electrocardiogram), Gynecology Evaluation, and Physician Consultation focused on current and past medical history, family risk factors among others, together with a physical evaluation.

It is now possible to perform your health check up on the island instead of going abroad.

These are comprehensive integrated packages of diagnostic studies and procedures that are performed by a qualified multi-disciplinary team of physicians, specialists, and nurses in one location with results provided in less than 24 hours.

We also offer a sport package for the athletes wanting to keep track of their health during training season to prevent injuries and inflammation, based on a complete Bio-marker’s check.

This package includes checking your: Energy & Metabolism, Bone & Muscle Health, Oxygen & Performance, Minerals, Complete Blood Count, Strength & Endurance, Brain & Body, Inflammation, as well as Liver Health, Kidney Check, and your Electrolytes. We believe in the importance of promoting health and creating packages for the well-being of the patient in order to encourage a healthy lifestyle.Since the patient will be in fasting, appointments are conducted only in the morning from Monday to Saturday.

Pre-Basic Screening

A general Screening often conducted by companies wanting to have a healthy working environment by conducting regular checkups for its employees.

Basic Screening

Ideal for those who are health-conscious as it provides basic information about the functioning of your body and includes general tests for major body systems.

Well Women

Provides information about your general health status with emphasis on screening for gynecological disorders. Recommended for women under 35.

Executive Screening

Ideal for those who lead stressful lives. It offers a comprehensive health check which includes cardiac and respiratory tests. Recommended for men and women OVER 35.

Senior Citizen

Old age is commonly associated with a higher incidence of hypertension, diabetes, atherosclerosis and kidney disease. Recommended for men and women OVER 55.

Sport Package

Athletes wanting to combine Medical Science to track key indicators, performance, and recovery by predicting negative responses and optimizes health.